Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Hyper Reality Dimension XX

I'm in a show coming up in a fortnight's time.
Be sure to turn up, reminisce a little, get drunk on Viking beer, then pillage some wenches.


Opening night Thursday 19 April, 6-9pm
Exhibition continues daily until 22 April, 6-9pm
aMBUSH Gallery

Hyper Reality Dimension XX is an express ticket to the world of electric cult mythologies birthed during the antiquated age of CRT TV, VHS, and NES.
It’s the summation of all the insane cartoons you’ve watched during the 80’s with adult themes and bad lip-syncing…
All the marked to clear B-grade sci-fi/horror movies your asshole best friend has given you as a “birthday present”…

All the video games whose pixelated graphics were so damn good that they made your eyes bleed and your thumbs sore from extended play…

It’s the manifestation of all the crazy cult shit that your fragile brain has absorbed growing up as a kid and rediscovered in horror and delight as an adult.

Via various techniques and mediums 20 artists regurgitate and re-imagine the cult classics that they so readily devoured during their youth, expressing the oddities and splendour of the modern electric age that has shaped their early years and has infiltrated their art practice today.

Featuring artists Jodee Knowles, Chris Yee, Rebecca Murphy, HOUL, KID9, OX, Bafcat, Claire Orrell, Sam Octigan, Lizzie Nagy, Gerald Leung, Luke Marcatili, BOB, Iconica, Ala Paredes, Bryn Desmond-Jones, Jonathan Verzosa, Sam Hoh, Jacob Rolfe, and Jin Hien Lau.

The opening will take place on Thursday 19 April from 6-9pm at aMBUSH Gallery in Waterloo. Join us for for complimentary drinks provided by Viking Beer, live art, and future beats and rhythms provided by Misworthy and Alice Whyte.

The exhibition will also run alongside an online catalogue with works for sale from 20 to 30 April, allowing interstate buyers to remotely buy works. Information regarding this will be available on the aMBUSH website. 


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